Post #9

According to the video, I learned some steps that need to be fulfilled if you want to build a dependent PLN blog. The first published content is based on what you think is popular or what you are interested in. Only the content you are interested in or that is popular will resonate more with the audience and get better feedback and followers. Then you can find someone with a high profile to publish as a guest. People with a high profile have a lot of followers, and I believe there will be a lot of people who rely on this blog. After you find someone with credibility in your blog, your PLN will also become something that many people can rely on. You also need to provide and prepare enough things before publishing the content. Be more prepared to make the best things published and to make more followers believe in you. Finally, be peaceful and treat other people’s blogs fairly. Don’t refute or argue with others. Unless you really don’t understand what others are saying, you can ask questions. Because everyone hopes that their ideas will come out to make PLN more useful and informative. In this way, a PLN that can be relied on can be established.

I think my PLN can be used to help professional development after the course. Although I don’t know many majors, such as computer, medicine, etc., I can’t blindly provide correct guidance to others. But like the PLN I wrote about food before, I can still create my PLN for what I know, and it can provide development for people who need to understand the profession. I will post the steps of cooking and researching recipes. Everyone can discuss how to improve the taste. At the same time, I think I can rely on my PLN to provide career opportunities. People who can cook can apply for employment as a chef. Although I can’t be a chef at the beginning, I may just help or do miscellaneous tasks. But after all, chefs need to practice, slowly observe and discover, in order to make good dishes.


Social Media and Emerging Economies Technological, Cultural and Economic Implications. Chapter 5- From Information Society to Network Society: The Challenge. Retrieved from

YouTube. (2021, October 25).EDCI Podcast-2021-10-24 Mo Amir. Retrieved

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